Friday, September 30, 2011

Communication-week 4: Who am I as a Communicator?

After doing all kinds of assessments, I perceived myself according to my own standard of what a effective communicator  appeared to me.  Then I reviewed two persons' assessments on me. I found that I felt somewhat insulted for being placed in "significant" on Verbal Aggression Scale. It made me feel like I've worked so hard in improving how I argue the cases with others in appropriate way seem trivial.

However, I realized that this person may not change his/her perception of me, because he/she may already "set up" a certain perception of me based on the first impression. What does it take to change one's perception of me is an important question. This had gotten me to reconsider how I communicate with others. I am becoming much more aware of how others react to my communication approaches.

I am hoping to improve my communication styles in different areas so that I could continue being an effective communicator for everyone including myself.


  1. Hello Chrissy

    This is the first time I actually read one of your postings, and it seems very interesting. As you mention it is very difficult to actually change a person's way of viewing ourselves, the first impression sometimes determine the way people think about us, they shape the schema they create about us and it takes a lot of work from our part to change that imagine. I'm sure you will succeed.

  2. This was such an interesting assignment to see others’ perceptions of our communication skills. Changing our communication approaches can be very challenging; changing others’ views may be even harder as your example demonstrates. I think first impressions can be overcome; it just takes consistency and time. Try not to get discouraged :)

  3. I think it goes back to our initial perception. Some people hold on to there first impression of you and do not want to let it go. Others are willing to allow the first impression go. As well, some people can misread you and take you as being aggressive when in reality you may not be. I think it is ironic how we perceive ourself versus other people. I am pretty sure every time you ask someone to evaluate you, each time you would get a different response.

  4. Christine: My brother assessed me as an aggressive communicator, as well as assessing himself the same. He may have done so because of his personal schemas in communicating with me, and I may be matching his communication style in order to be "other-minded". Your efforts to improve communication are not trivial. Others may assess your style through their personal schemas unknown to you, and over which you have no control. As we studied first impressions this week, we have become aware that they are not always accurate. Not everyone will accurately read your communication style either.
